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For New Customers


Working with you to figure out the best technology solutions. First time business and residential clients that require two or more hours of technology services for the month, get one hour of service for free. Some restrictions apply.

Service Call Packs


Offering buy as you need, regularly 

discounted service call packs that can be prepaid for your convenience. All service packs are good for an entire year from purchase. Some restrictions apply.

IT Presentations


Providing Information Technology (IT) presentations, webinars, or lunch & learns for you or staff to help connect the technical dots with your business.

Cloud Services


Services offered include Online Backups (Mozy/Carbonite), Microsoft Office 365, Internet Hosted Services/Unified Communication Solutions, and Virtual Servers. Call or email us today for a 30 day free trial of Microsoft Office 365 for you or your small business!


System Services


Services offered include Help Desk Support, Network Monitoring, Systems Patching, 24/7 NOC Services, Hardware Inventory Management, and VOIP Telephone Solutions for Business.

Data Center

Support Services


Providing cost-effective onsite data center support services to support infrastructure hardware for Colocations or data center facilities. Some restrictions apply.

Disaster Recovery


Whether its your small business or your home, you need to have a solid disaster recovery plan for your data. Don't risk it, we can help develop one that suits you and your business.

Health/Public Sectors

& Non-Profits


We can work with any Private Sector, Not-For Profit, or Health Care Organization to help support those technical needs by offering services including structured & wireless networking, as well as internet or cloud hosted technical services.



Looking to be more green? We provide recycling options for you to become a paperless environment. We also help to recycle end-of-life equipment, including data cleaning support before decommissioning equipment. Additionally for anyone looking for new hardware, we have great cost-effective alternatives with recycled and refurbished inventory. Call us today for more information!

LMB Technical Services Inc.

Phone:  888.800.3839

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